5570 E. Lincoln Hwy. Merrillville, IN. 46410

1100 Canal Rd, Lafayette, IN 47904, USA

¼ Round T&B

About This Edge

The ¼ Round T&B edge features a slight curve on both the upper and lower sides of the countertop. It provides a shapelier, yet still subtle look that works well in traditional designs. No matter if it is installed in the kitchen, bathroom or any other room of the home, the ¼ Round T&B edge will look terrific. It will add a nice touch of style to any countertop. Your stone countertop will already look amazing but will look that much better with a ¼ Round T&B edge. Edge profiles complete any countertop. This edge can truly make a countertop look great. You cannot go wrong selecting it for your stone. If you choose a ¼ Round T&B edge, you can be pleased with your countertop for years to come.

Edge Name: Quarter Round T&b

Other Names: Round T&b

Suitable Outside: Yes

Thicknesses Available: 1-1/4 and 3/4